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Chuangrui family spent Mid-Autumn Festival together!


       Time flies, the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. On the occasion of this annual reunion day, Zhuzhou Chuangrui high strength ceramics Co., Ltd. launched a series of activities with the theme of "Mid-Autumn Festival Reunion", so that Chuangrui employees can feel the warmth and joy of Chuangrui's big family.

       Activity 1: swearing-in meeting of "100-day attack"

     In order to further boost staff morale and stimulate work enthusiasm, on the morning of September 28th, Chuangrui held a swearing-in meeting, ready to go, and "attack for 100 days".

     First of all, Huanglong, director of the manufacturing center, preached the purpose and expectation of this event on the swearing-in meeting of "100-day attack".

      "Passion and enthusiasm have always been a must. The goal requires us to earnestly implement it in a down-to-earth manner, stick to the goal, live up to trust and trust, and develop together with the company! I hope that everyone will unite and devote themselves to their own work with firm belief, cheerful mood and abundant energy, and work together to achieve the annual goal. " Chairman Jiang made work instructions and requirements for this conference.

           The employees were full of passion and high morale, and shouted the 100-day vows of various departments, which resounded throughout the Chuangrui factory.

           Activity 2: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival and Happy Sports.

Activity 3: Mid-Autumn Festival red envelopes, full of affection. Gather for the Mid-Autumn Festival and welcome the National Day!


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